Mailing Address
Anke Wohlers
Geothermal Energy & Geofluids
Institute of Geophysics
NO F 53
Sonneggstrasse 5
CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland
+41 44 632 34 65 | |
anke.wohlers@eaps.ethz.ch |
Prisca Maurantonio | |
+41 44 632 3465 | |
prisca.maurantonio@eaps.ethz.ch |
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Underlined names are links to current or past GEG members
Pittard, J.A., N.A. Fox, A Hollingsworth, M.Y. Lavrentiev, A. Wohlers, and Y. Zayachuk, Deuterium retention in CVD diamond: Combined experimental and computational study., Fusion Engineering and Design, 188, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fusengdes.2022.113403 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Lavrentiev, M.Y., A Hollingsworth, J Hess, S Davies, A Wohlers, B Thomas, H Salter, A Baron-Wiechec, I Jepu, Y Zayachuk, and N. Peng, Effects of self-irradiation on deuterium retention and reflectivity of molybdenum, fusion plasma-facing material: Combined experimental and modeling study., Journal of Applied Physics , 132, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0099051 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Meier, M.S., P.A.J. Bagot, A Hollingsworth, A Wohlers, M.P. Moody, and D Haley, 3D Nanoscale Analysis of Implanted Deuterium in Tungsten using Atom Probe Tomography. , Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927622008133 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Knights, R, J Benayas, K Sabin, S Ng, A Wohlers, T Tijssen, D Demange, S Willms, and D Brennan, Initial testing of an inside-out type palladium membrane reactor for recovery of hydrogen from hydrocarbons and water. , Fusion Engineering and Design, 168, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fusengdes.2021.112641 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and B Wood, Uranium, thorium and REE partitioning into sulfide liquids: Implications for reduced planetary bodies. , Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, 205, pp. 226-244, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2017.01.050 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and B Wood, A Mercury-like component of early Earth yields Uranium in the core and high mantle 142Nd., Nature, 520, pp. 337-340, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14350 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Schmidt, C, A Wohlers, K Marquardt, and A Watenpul, Experimental study on the pseudobinary H2O+NaAlSi3O8 at 600-800°C and to 2.5GPa. , Chemical Geology, 388, pp. 40-47, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.09.005 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and L Baumgartner, Melt infiltration into quartzite during partial melting in the Little Cottonwood Contact Aureole (Utah, USA): Implication for xenocryst formation. , Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 31, pp. 301-312, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12022 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Joachim, B, A Wohlers, N Norberg, E Gardes, E Petrishcheva, and R Abart, Diffusion and solubility of hydrogen in periclase., Phys. Chem. Minerals, 40, pp. 19-27, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-012-0542-8 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, C.E. Manning, and A.B. Thompson, Experimental investigation of the solubility of albite+quartz and jadeite+quartz in H2O at 500˚C and 600˚C and 1 to 2.25 GPa., Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, 75, pp. 2924-2939, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2011.02.028 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and C.E. Manning, Solubility of corundum in KOH solutions at 700 °C and 1 GPa. , Chemical Geology, 262, pp. 310-317, 2009. https://doi.org/1010.16/j.chemgeo.2009.01.025 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
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Wohlers, A, A Hollingsworth, MY Laventiev, Y Zayachuk, J Likonen, and N Peng, Deuterium Retention and Release in self-ion Irradiation Molybdenum as Plasma Facing Material for Optical Diagnostics. , The Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE) conference, Los Angeles, USA., 2022. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Laventiev, M Y, A Hollingsworth, Y Zayachuk, and A Wohlers, Thermal Desorption Spectrometry of Self-Irradiated Molybdenum, Plasma Facing Material for Optical Diagnostic. , International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC) Juelich, Germany., 2021. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Knights, R, J Benayas, K Sabin, S Ng, A Wohlers, T Tijssen, D Demange, and S Willms, Initial testing of an inside-out type palladium membrane reactor for recovery of hydrogen from hydrocarbons or water., 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Dubrovnik, Croatia., 2020. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Burton, K, A J McCoy-West, A Wohlers, and B Wood, The partitioning of molybdenum stable isotopes into sulfide and the potential effects of core formation., International Symposium of Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry (EMPG), Clermont-Ferrand, France., 2018. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and B Wood, Uranium, thorium and REE partitioning into sulfide liquids at high pressure and high temperature: Implications for reduced, S-rich planetary bodies., American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA., 2017, 2017. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wood, B, E Kiseeva, and A Wohlers, The effect of sulphur in silicate melt on partitioning of Ni and other trace elements. , European Geosciences Union conference (EGU), Vienna, Austria., 2016. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
McCoy-West, A J, A B Millet, G M Nowell, A Wohlers, B Wood , and K Burton, Sulfide in the core and the Nd isotopic composition of the silicate Earth., Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2016. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and B Wood, Lithophile element partitioning between silicate andulfide liquid: Implication for a reduced, sulfur-rich component of early Earth., International Symposium of Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry (EMPG), Zurich, Switzerland., 2016. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and B Wood, U, Th and REE Partitioning into Sulfide Liquids: Implications for Reduced Planetary Bodies. , Annual VM Goldschmidt conference, Yokohama, Japan., 2016. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Kiseeva, E, D Smythe, A Wohlers, and B Wood, Looking through diamond at garnet bearing lithologies in the transition zone., Second International Science Meeting of the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO), Munich, Germany., 2015. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and B Wood, A Mercury-like component of early Earth: U in the core and high 142Nd. , Annual VM Goldschmidt conference, Prague, Czech Republic., 2015. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Schmidt, C, A Watenphul, A Wohlers, and K Marquardt, Toward revision of the phasediagram of the pseudobinary H2O+NaAlSi3O8., Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry meeting (EMPG), Kiel, Germany. , 2012. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Joachim, B, A Wohlers, E Gardés, N Norberg, R Abart, and W Heinrich, Diffusion of OH-species in periclase. , Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry meeting (EMPG), Kiel, Germany., 2012. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Schmidt, C, A Watenphul, A Wohlers, and K Marquardt, Experimental study on the pseudobinary H2O+NaAlSi3O8 at 600-800°C and to 2.5GPa. , Annual VM Goldschmidt conference, Montréal, Canada., 2012. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and C E Manning, Solubility of a model granitic and pelitic assemblage at 700 ºC and 1 GPa., Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry meeting (EMPG), Kiel, Germany., 2012. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and C E Manning, Peralkaline fluid composition in equilibrium with K-feldspar, muscovite and quartz at 10 kbar and 700°C: Al transport in crustal fluids. , European Geoscienes Union General Assembly (EGU), Vienna, Austria., 2012. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, B Joachim, M Koch-Müller, U Schade, and W Heinrich, The effect of water on the growth of multi-layered polycrystalline reaction rims in the system CaO-MgO-SiO2. , American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2012. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Joachim, B, E Gardés, A Wohlers, N Norberg, R Abart, and W Heinrich, Incorporation of hydrous species in periclase., DMG Joint Meeting: Crystals, Minerals and Materials, Salzburg, Austria., 2011. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, C E Manning , and A B Thompson, Solubility of albite or jadeite + quartz + paragonite in H2O at 600 °C and 10 - 22.5 kbar., Annual VM Goldschmidt conference, Davos Switzerland., 2009. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, C E Manning, and A B Thompson, Solubility of albite or jadeite + quartz + paragonite in H2O at 500˚C and 600˚C and 1-2.25 GPa., American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA., 2009. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Manning, C E, A Wohlers, and A Antignano, Near-solidus solubility of alkali feldspar-mica-quartz in H2O at 1 GPa: Implications for crustal fluids., Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada., 2008. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Manning, C E, R C Newton, A Wohlers, and A Antignanon, Linking solute polymerization and hydrous melting: evidence from 1 GPa solubilities of quartz and alkali feldspar., International Symposium on Experimental, Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry meeting (EMPG), Innsbruck, Austria., 2008. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, C E Manning , and A B Thompson, Peralkaline, silica-rich aqueous fluids in equilibrium with albite, jadeite and quartz at 600 ˚C, 15.5, 17.5 and 20 kbar. , American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. , 2008. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and C E Manning, Model crustal fluids at high P and T: Implications for aluminum transport., Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne, Germany., 2007. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and C E Manning, Experimental constraints on Al solubility in model granitic fluids at 700°C and 1 GPa. , American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA., 2007. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Baumgartner, L P, T Müller, B Putlitz, M Robyr, S Skora, and A Wohlers, The use of computed x-ray micro tomography in deciphering growth kinetics., General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Kobe., 2006. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and C E Manning, Solubility of K-feldspar, Muscovite, Corundum and Quartz at 700 °C and 10 kbar., American Geophysical Union (AGU) 88(52) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA., 2006. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Baumgartner, L P, T Müller, B Putlitz, M Robyr, S Skora, and A Wohlers, Applications and limits of computed micro x-ray tomography in petrology., Second Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland., 2004. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and L P Baumgartner, Melt infiltration textures in migmatites of the Little Cottonwood contact aureole, Utah, USA. , Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual meeting, Denver, USA. , 2004. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Baumgartner, L P, A Wohlers, and T Müller, Micro-x-ray computed tomography of natural and experimental melt segregations and other geological materials with small absorption contrasts., European Geosciences Union (EGU) meeting, Nice, France., 2003. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, L P Baumgartner, and C A Hauzenberger, A field and experimental study of melt distribution in pelites and quartzites at shallow crustal levels., Swiss Geoscience meeting, Basel, Switzerland., 2003. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, and L P Baumgartner, 3D X-ray imaging study of Fe-Ti-oxides of experimentally partially molten high-temperature pelite cores., American Geophysical Union (AGU) 88(52) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA., 2003. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Deckert, H, M Brandon, U Ring, N Mortimer, and A Wohlers, Contribution of ductile thinning to the exhumation of the Otago Schist, New Zealand., Denver Annual Meeting, Denver, USA., 2002. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Deckert , H, U Ring, M T Brandon, N Mortimer, A Wohlers, and M Maxelon, Contribution of ductile thinning to the exhumation of the Otago Schist, New Zealand., TSK Symposium, Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen, Erlangen, Germany., 2002. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, L P Baumgartner, and C A Hauzenberger, Experimental Investigations of initial melt migration in pelites., VM Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland., 2002. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Wohlers, A, L P Baumgartner, and C A Hauzenberger, Direct experimental investigations of initial melt textures in natural pelitic rocks, Utah, USA., Experimental, Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry (EMPG) meeting, Zurich, Switzerland., 2001. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here
Maxelon, M, A Wohlers, R Halama, U Ring, N Mortimer, and M T Brandon, Ductile strain in the Torlesse Wedge, South Island, New Zealand., American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA., 1998. [View Abstract]Please enter abstract here