Martin Saar Supervision and Mentoring

Prof. Dr. Martin O. Saar

Chair for Geothermal Energy and Geofluids


Mailing Address
Prof. Dr. Martin O. Saar
Geothermal Energy & Geofluids
Institute of Geophysics
NO F 51.2
Sonneggstrasse 5
CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland

Phone +41 44 632 3465
Email saarm(at)

Katerina Good
Phone +41 44 632 3465
Email kagood(at)

My research interests are in geophysical fluid dynamics of subsurface multiscale, multiphase, multicomponent, reactive fluid (groundwater, hydrocarbon, CO2) and energy (heat, pressure) transport, such as water- and CO2-based geothermal energy utilization, geologic CO2 storage, grid-scale energy storage, enhanced oil recovery, and groundwater flow. Methods include computer simulations, laboratory experiments, and field analyses.

This professorship and the associated Geothermal Energy and Geofluids (GEG) Group is generously endowed by the Werner Siemens Foundation, which is hereby gratefully acknowledged.

Supervision and Mentoring

Current at ETH-Zürich, Switzerland

2015 Jan.- Dominique Ballarin Office, Computer System, and Intra+Internet Administrator
2015 Jan.- Dr. Xiang-Zhao Kong Senior Researcher (OA): Experiments, pore-scale models
2015 June- Dr. Keith Evans Senior Researcher (~OA): Field / Deep Mine Investigations
2015 March- Dr. Friedemann Samrock Postdoc, Magnetotellurics (MT) and other field geophysics
2015 May- Dr. Nagasree Garapati Postdoc , Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, W. Virginia U.
2015 Sep.- Dr. Allan Leal Postdoc, Ph.D. in Reaction Modeling, Imperial College, UK
2015 May- Anniina Kittilä Ph.D. Student in Enhanced Geothermal System Investigation
2015 July- Claudia Deuber M.S. Student in Enhanced Geothermal System Investigation
2015 July- Neeraj Shah M.S. Student in Geothermal System Exploration Geophysics
2015 Dec- Nils Knornschild Laboratoy and Field Technician (50%, other 50% with SSCER)
2015-present SCCER-SoE Co-supervision of Swiss Competence Center on Energy Research – Supply of Electricity (SCCER – SoE) personnel which focuses on 1) Geothermal Energy, 2) geologic CO2 storage.

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