P. Schädle and P. Zulian and D. Vogler and S. Bhopalam R. and M.G.C. Nestola and A. Ebigbo and R. Krause and M.O. Saar 3D non-conforming mesh model for flow in fractured porous media using Lagrange multipliers, Computers & Geosciences, pp. 1-54 (2019), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,Software Development
S. Matculevich and U. Langer and S. Repin Guaranteed error bounds and local indicators for adaptive solvers using stabilized space-time IgA approximations to parabolic problems
, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2019), doi keywords: Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Heat Transfer,Software Development
E. Romano and J. Jimenez-Martinez and A. Parmigiani and X.-Z. Kong and I. Battiato Contribution of Pore-Scale Approach to Macroscale Geofluids Modelling in Porous Media, Geofluids, 2019 (2019), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
A. Parmigiani and P.R. Di Palma and S. Leclaire and F. Habib and X.-Z. Kong Characterization of transport-enhanced phase separation in porous media using a lattice-Boltzmann method, Geofluids, 2019 (2019), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Volcanology,Numerical Methods,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
A. B. Cunningham and H. Class and A. Ebigbo and R. Gerlach and A. J. Phillips and J. Hommel Field-scale modeling of microbially induced calcite precipitation, Computational Geosciences, 23/2, pp. 399-414 (2019), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,CO2,Biofilms,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,CCS – CCUS
B. Valley and K.F. Evans Stress magnitudes in the Basel enhanced geothermal system, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 118, pp. 1-20 (2019), doi keywords: Geophysics,Rock Mechanics
A. Morschhauser and A.V. Grayver and A. Kuvshinov and F. Samrock and J. Matzka Tippers at island geomagnetic observatories constrain electrical conductivity of oceanic lithosphere and upper mantle, Earth, Planets and Space, 71/17, pp. 1-9 (2019), doi keywords: Geophysics,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Electromagnetics
J.M. Myre and I. Lascu and E.A. Lima and J.M. Feinberg and M.O. Saar and B.P. Weiss Using TNT-NN to Unlock the Fast Full Spatial Inversion of Large Magnetic Microscopy Datasets, Earth Planets and Space, 71/14 (2019), doi keywords: Geophysics,Computer Science,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Software Development
J.D. Ogland-Hand and J.M. Bielicki and Y. Wang and B.M. Adams and T.A. Buscheck and M.O. Saar The value of bulk energy storage for reducing CO2 emissions and water requirements from regional electricity systems., Energy Conversion and Management, 181, pp. 674-685 (2019), doi keywords: Thermodynamics,Economics – Policy,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
M.L.T. Dambly and M. Nejati and D. Vogler and M.O. Saar On the direct measurement of shear moduli in transversely isotropic rocks using the uniaxial compression test, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (IJRMMS), 113, pp. 220-240 (2019), doi keywords: Rock Mechanics,Laboratory Experiments,CO2,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
G. D. Miron and A.M.M. Leal and A. Yapparova Thermodynamic properties of aqueous species calculated using the HKF model: How do different thermodynamic and electrostatic models for solvent water affect calculated aqueous properties?, Geofluids, no_doi keywords: Geochemistry,Thermodynamics
F. Amann and V. Gischig and K. Evans and et al. and A. Kittilä and S. Wiemer and M.O. Saar and S. Löw and Th. Driesner and H. Maurer and D. Giardini The seismo-hydro-mechanical behaviour during deep geothermal reservoir stimulations: open questions tackled in a decameter-scale in-situ stimulation experiment, Solid Earth, 9, pp. 115-137 (2018), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Rock Mechanics,Field Investigations,Upscaling,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy
X.-Z. Kong and C. Deuber and A. Kittilä and M. Somogyvari and G. Mikutis and P. Bayer and W.J. Stark and M.O. Saar Tomographic reservoir imaging with DNA-labeled silica nanotracers: The first field validation, Environmental Science &Technology, 52/23, pp. 13681-13689 (2018), doi keywords: Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,Field Investigations,Tracer – Hydraulic Tests,Upscaling,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy
V. Gischig and J. Doetsch and H. Maurer and H. Krietsch and F. Amman and E. Evans and M. Nejati and M. Jalali and B. Valley and A. Obermann and S. Wiemer On the link between stress field and small-scale hydraulic fracture growth in anisotropic rock derived from microseismicity, Solid Earth, 9, pp. 39-61 (2018), doi keywords: Geophysics,Rock Mechanics,Field Investigations,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy
M.J. Comeau and J.S. Kaufl and M. Becken and A. Kuvshinov and A.V. Grayver and J. Kamm and B. Erdenechimeg and S. Demberel Evidence for fluid and melt generation in response to an asthenospheric upwelling beneath the Hangai Dome, Mongolia, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 487, pp. 201-209 (2018), doi keywords: Numerical Methods,Electromagnetics
G. Mikutis and C.A. Deuber and L. Schmid and A. Kittilä and N. Lobsiger and M. Puddu and D.O. Asgeirsson and R.N. Grass and M.O. Saar and W.J. Stark Silica-encapsulated DNA-based tracers for aquifer characterization, Environmental Science & Technology, 52, pp. 12142-12152 (2018), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,Field Investigations,Tracer – Hydraulic Tests,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
S. Matculevich Functional approach to the error control in adaptive IgA schemes for elliptic boundary value problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 344, pp. 394-423 (2018), doi keywords: Computer Science,Numerical Methods
H. Krietsch and V. Gischig and K.F. Evans and J. Doetsch and N.O. Dutler and B. Valley and F. Amman Stress Measurements for an In Situ Stimulation Experiment in Crystalline Rock: Integration of Induced Seismicity, Stress Relief and Hydraulic Methods, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (2018), doi keywords: Geophysics,Rock Mechanics,Laboratory Experiments,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy
H. Javanmard and M. Seyyedi and S.M. Nielsen On Oil Recovery Mechanisms and Potential of DME–Brine Injection in the North Sea Chalk Oil Reservoirs, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57/46, pp. 15898-15908 (2018), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Hydrocarbons,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation
B. Holm and S. Matculevich Fully reliable error control for evolutionary problems, Comput. Math. Appl. (CAMWA), 75/4, pp. 1302-1329 (2018), doi keywords: Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Software Development
S. Matculevich and M. Wolfmayr On the a posteriori error analysis for linear Fokker-Planck models in convection-dominated diffusion problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 339, pp. 779-804 (2018), doi keywords: Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Heat Transfer
F. Samrock and A.V. Grayver and H. Eysteinsson and M.O. Saar Magnetotelluric image of transcrustal magmatic system beneath the Tulu Moye geothermal prospect in the Ethiopian Rift, Geophysical Research Letters (2018), doi keywords: Geophysics,Volcanology,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Electromagnetics,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy
D. Birdsell and S. Karra and H. Rajaram On the Representation of the Porosity‐Pressure Relationship in General Subsurface Flow Codes, Water Resources Research, 54/2, pp. 1382-1388 (2018), doi keywords: Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Groundwater,Rock Deformation
M. Ahkami and T. Roesgen and M.O. Saar and X.-Z. Kong High-resolution temporo-ensemble PIV to resolve pore-scale flow in 3D-printed fractured porous media, Transport in Porous Media, pp. 1-17 (2018), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,PIV LIF XRCT XRD SEM USANS,Groundwater,CO2,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Software Development
A. Hobé and D. Vogler and M.P. Seybold and A. Ebigbo and R.R. Settgast and M.O. Saar Estimating Fluid Flow Rates through Fracture Networks using Combinatorial Optimization, Advances in Water Resources, 122, pp. 85-97 (2018), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Tracer – Hydraulic Tests,Groundwater,CO2,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Software Development
M.A. Perras and D. Vogler Compressive and Tensile Behavior of 3D-Printed and Natural Sandstones, Transport in Porous Media, pp. 1-23 (2018), doi keywords: Geophysics,Rock Mechanics,Laboratory Experiments,Porous – Fractured Media,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation
E. Rossi and M.A. Kant and C. Madonna and M.O. Saar and Ph. Rudolf von Rohr The Effects of High Heating Rate and High Temperature on the Rock Strength: Feasibility Study of a Thermally Assisted Drilling Method, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51/9, pp. 2957-2964 (2018), doi keywords: Rock Mechanics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Rock Deformation,Geothermal Energy
T. Kling and D. Vogler and L. Pastewka and F. Amann and P. Blum Numerical simulations and validation of contact mechanics in a granodiorite fracture, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51/9, pp. 2805-2824 (2018), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Computer Science,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Porous – Fractured Media,Rock Deformation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Software Development
T. Xia and E. Dontsov and Z. Chen and F. Zhang and X.-Z. Kong Fluid Flow in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs, Geofluids, 2018 (2018), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid,Software Development
M.A. Kant and E. Rossi and J. Duss and F. Amman and M.O. Saar and P. Rudolf von Rohr Demonstration of thermal borehole enlargement to facilitate controlled reservoir engineering for deep geothermal, oil or gas systems, Applied Energy, 212, pp. 1501-1509 (2018), doi keywords: Rock Mechanics,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
D. Vogler and R. R. Settgast and C. Annavarapu and C. Madonna and P. Bayer and F. Amann Experiments and Simulations of Fully Hydro-Mechanically coupled Response of Rough Fractures exposed to High Pressure Fluid Injection, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, pp. 1186-1200 (2018), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Computer Science,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Tracer – Hydraulic Tests,Groundwater,CO2,Porous – Fractured Media,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Software Development
D. Vogler and S. Ostvar and R. Paustian and B.D. Wood A Hierarchy of Models for Simulating Experimental Results from a 3D Heterogeneous Porous Medium, Advances in Water Resources, 114, pp. 149-163 (2018), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Computer Science,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Tracer – Hydraulic Tests,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation
Ph. Rudolf von Rohr and M. Kant and E. Rossi An apparatus for thermal spallation of a borehole, Patent EP3450675A1 (2017), no_doi keywords: Geophysics,Rock Mechanics,Laboratory Experiments,Field Investigations,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy
B.M. Adams and J. Deitz and T.H. Kuehn and M.O. Saar Potential Role of Geothermal Energy Production with Sequestered Carbon Dioxide in Mitigating Climate Change, no_doi keywords:
P. Schaedle and T. Kaempfer and G. Pepin and J. Wendling and J. Bommundt Combining high-resolution two-phase with simplified single-phase simulations in order to optimize the performance of PA/SA simulations for a deep geological repository for radioactive waste, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 433/443/SP443.4 (2017), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Heat Transfer
D. Vogler and S.D.C. Walsh and P. Bayer and F. Amann Comparison of Surface Properties in Natural and Artificially Generated Fractures in a Crystalline Rock, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 50/11, pp. 2891-2909 (2017), doi keywords: Geophysics
R.N. Xu and R. Li and J. Ma and D. He and P.X. Jiang Effect of Mineral Dissolution/Precipitation and CO2 Exsolution on CO2 transport in Geological Carbon Storage, ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH, 50/9, pp. 2056-2066 (2017), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,CO2,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy
D. Vogler and S.D.C. Walsh and E. Dombrovski and M.A. Perras A Comparison of Tensile Failure in 3D-Printed and Natural Sandstone, Engineering Geology, 226, pp. 221-235 (2017), doi keywords:
J. Ezekiel and R. Shaoran and Z. Liang and W. Yuting Displacement Mechanisms of Air Injection for IOR in Low Permeability Light Oil Reservoirs, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 16/1, pp. 1-26 (2017), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Hydrocarbons,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation
H. Büsing and C. Vogt and A. Ebigbo and N. Kitzsch Numerical study on CO2 leakage detection using electrical streaming potential data, Water Resour. Res, 53, pp. 1-15 (2017), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,CCS – CCUS
J. Niederau and A. Ebigbo and G. Marquart and J. Arnold and C. Clauser On the impact of spatially heterogenous permeability on free convection in the Perth Basin, Australia, Geothermics, 66, pp. 119-133 (2017), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy
A.M.M. Leal and D.A. Kulik and W.R. Smith and M.O. Saar An overview of computational methods for chemical equilibrium and kinetic calculations for geochemical and reactive transport modeling, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 89/5, pp. 597-643 (2017), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Reactive Flow
A.J. Luhmann and B.M. Tutolo and B.C. Bagley and D.F.R. Mildner and W.E. Seyfried Jr. and M.O. Saar Permeability, porosity, and mineral surface area changes in basalt cores induced by reactive transport of CO2-rich brine, Water Resources Research, 53, pp. 1-20 (2017), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,PIV LIF XRCT XRD SEM USANS,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
A.J. Luhmann and B.M. Tutolo and C. Tan and B.M. Moskowitz and M.O. Saar and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. Whole rock basalt alteration from CO2-rich brine during flow-through experiments at 150°C and 150 bar, Chemical Geology, 453, pp. 92-110 (2017), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,PIV LIF XRCT XRD SEM USANS,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
J.M. Myre and E. Frahm and D.J. Lilja and M.O. Saar TNT-NN: A Fast Active Set Method for Solving Large Non-Negative Least Squares Problems, Procedia Computer Science, 108C, pp. 755-764 (2017), doi keywords: Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Software Development
S.D.C. Walsh and N. Garapati and A.M.M. Leal and M.O. Saar Calculating thermophysical fluid properties during geothermal energy production with NESS and Reaktoro, Geothermics, 70, pp. 146-154 (2017), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Reactive Flow
G. Cui and S. Ren and L. Zhang and J. Ezekiel and C. Enechukwu and Y. Wang and R. Zhang Geothermal exploitation from hot dry rocks via recycling heat transmission fluid in a horizontal well, Energy, 128, pp. 366-377 (2017), doi keywords:
S. Matculevich and S. Repin Explicit constants in Poincaré-type inequalities for simplicial domains and application to a posteriori estimates, Comput. Methods Appl. Math. (CMAM), 16/2, pp. 277-298 (2016), doi keywords: Computer Science,Numerical Methods
C.-Z. Qin and S.M. Hassanizadeh and A. Ebigbo Pore-scale network modeling of microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation: Insight into scale dependence of biogeochemical reaction rates, Water Resources Research/52 (2016), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Biofilms,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,CCS – CCUS
K. Katika and M. Ahkami and P.L. Fosbol and A.Y. Halim and A. Shapiro and K. Thomsen and I. Xiarchos and I.L. Fabricius Comparative analysis of experimental methods for quantification of small amounts of oil in water, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 147, pp. 459-467 (2016), doi keywords: Laboratory Experiments,Hydrocarbons,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Reservoir Characterisation
A.M.M. Leal and D. Kulik and G. Kosakowski and M.O. Saar Computational methods for reactive transport modeling: An extended law of mass-action, xLMA, method for multiphase equilibrium calculations, Advances in Water Resources, 96, pp. 405-422 (2016), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Reactive Flow
B.M. Tutolo and D.F. Mildner and C.V. Gagnon and M.O. Saar and W.E. Seyfried Nanoscale constraints on porosity generation and fluid flow during serpentinization, Geology, 44/2, pp. 103-106 (2016), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,PIV LIF XRCT XRD SEM USANS,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
A.M.M. Leal and D.A. Kulik and M.O. Saar Enabling Gibbs energy minimization algorithms to use equilibrium constants of reactions in multiphase equilibrium calculations, Chemical Geology, 437, pp. 170-181 (2016), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid,Software Development
A.M.M. Leal and D.A. Kulik and G. Koskowski Computational methods for reactive transport modeling: A Gibbs energy minimization approach for multiphase equilibrium calculations, Advances in Water Resources, 88, pp. 231-240 (2016), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid,Software Development
A. Ebigbo and P.A. Lang and A. Paluszny and R.W. Zimmerman Inclusion-based effective medium models for the permeability of a 3D fractured rock mass, Transport in Porous Media, 113/1, pp. 137-158 (2016), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Porous – Fractured Media
A. Ebigbo and J. Niederau and G. Marquart and I. Dini and M. Thorwart and W. Rabbel and R. Pechnig and R. Bertani and C. Clauser Influence of depth, temperature, and structure of a crustal heat source on the geothermal reservoirs of Tuscany: numerical modelling and sensitivity study, Geothermal Energy, 4/5 (2016), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy
R. Seidler and K. Padalkina and H.M. Buecker and A. Ebigbo and M. Herty and G. Marquart and J. Niederau Optimal experimental design for reservoir property estimates in geothermal exploration, Computational Geomechanics, 20/375 (2016), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer
T.A. Buscheck and J.M. Bielicki and T.A. Edmunds and Y. Hao and Y. Sun and J.B. Randolph and M.O. Saar Multifluid geo-energy systems: Using geologic CO2 storage for geothermal energy production and grid-scale energy storage in sedimentary basins, Geosphere, 12/3, pp. 1-19 (2016), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Economics – Policy,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
D. Vogler and F. Amann and P. Bayer and D. Elsworth Permeability Evolution in Natural Fractures Subject to Cyclic Loading and Gouge Formation, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 49/9, pp. 3463-3479 (2016), doi keywords:
A. Kuvshinov and J. Matzka and B. Poedjono and F. Samrock and N. Olsen and S. Pai Probing Earth’s conductivity structure beneath oceans by scalar geomagnetic data: autonomous surface vehicle solution, Earth, Planets and Space, 68 (1)/189 (2016), doi keywords:
S. Matculevich and P. Neitaanmäki and S. Repin A posteriori error estimates for time-dependent reaction-diffusion problems based on the Payne-Weinberger inequality, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. – Series A, 35/6, pp. 2659-2677 (2015), doi keywords: Numerical Methods
D. Birdsell and H. Rajaram and D. Dempsey and H. Viswanathan Hydraulic fracturing fluid migration in the subsurface: A review and expanded modeling results, Water Resources Research, 51/9, pp. 7159-7188 (2015), doi keywords: Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Tracer – Hydraulic Tests,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media
D. Birdsell and H. Rajaram and G. Lackey Imbibition of hydraulic fracturing fluids into partially saturated shale, Water Resources Research, 51/8, pp. 6787-6796 (2015), doi keywords: Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media
Y. Ma and X. -Z. Kong and A. Scheuermann and S. A. Galindo-Torres and D. Bringemeier and L. Li Microbubble transport in water-saturated porous media, Water Resources Research, 51/6, pp. 4359-4373 (2015), doi keywords: Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media
S.A. Galindo-Torres and T. Molebatsi and X.Z. Kong and A. Scheuermann and D. Bringemeier and L. Li Scaling solutions for connectivity and conductivity of continuous random networks, Physical Review E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 92/4, pp. 041001 (2015), doi keywords: Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Porous – Fractured Media
J. Bakker and A. Kuvshinov and F. Samrock and A. Geraskin and O. Pankratov Introducing inter-site phase tensors to suppress galvanic distortion in the telluric method, Earth, Planets and Space: EPS, 67/1, pp. 160 (2015), doi keywords:
B.M. Tutolo and X.-Z. Kong and W.E. Seyfried Jr. and M.O. Saar High performance reactive transport simulations examining the effects of thermal, hydraulic, and chemical (THC) gradients on fluid injectivity at carbonate CCUS reservoir scales, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 39, pp. 285-301 (2015), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
B.M. Tutolo and A.J. Luhmann and X.-Z. Kong and M.O. Saar and W.E. Seyfried Jr. CO2 sequestration in feldspar-rich sandstone: Coupled evolution of fluid chemistry, mineral reaction rates, and hydrogeochemical properties, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 160, pp. 132-154 (2015), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy
N. Garapati and J.B. Randolph and M.O. Saar Brine displacement by CO2, energy extraction rates, and lifespan of a CO2-limited CO2-Plume Geothermal (CPG) system with a horizontal production well, Geothermics, 55, pp. 182-194 (2015), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
B.M. Tutolo and A.T. Schaen and M.O. Saar and W.E. Seyfried Jr. Implications of the redissociation phenomenon for mineral-buffered fluids and aqueous species transport at elevated temperatures and pressures, Applied Geochemistry, 55, pp. 119-127 (2015), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
B.M. Adams and T.H. Kuehn and J.M. Bielicki and J.B. Randolph and M.O. Saar A comparison of electric power output of CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG) and brine geothermal systems for varying reservoir conditions, Applied Energy, 140, pp. 365-377 (2015), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Economics – Policy,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
A.J. Luhmann and M. Covington and J. Myre and M. Perne and S.W. Jones and C.E. Alexander Jr. and M.O. Saar Thermal damping and retardation in karst conduits, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19/1, pp. 137-157 (2015), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation
F. Samrock and A. Kuvshinov and J. Bakker and A. Jackson and F. Shimeles 3-D analysis and interpretation of magnetotelluric data from the Aluto-Langano geothermal field, Ethiopia, Geophysical Journal International, 202/3, pp. 1923-1948 (2015), doi keywords:
A.M.M. Leal and M.J. Blunt and T.C. LaForce A chemical kinetics algorithm for geochemical modelling, Applied Geochemistry, 55, pp. 46-61 (2015), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Reactive Flow
J.C. Manceau and J. Ma and R. Li Two-phase flow properties of a sandstone rock for the CO2/water system: Core-flooding experiments, and focus on impacts of mineralogical changes, Water Resources Research, 51, pp. 2885-2900 (2015), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,CCS – CCUS
J. Hommel and E. Lauchnor and R. Gerlach and A.B. Cunningham and A. Ebigbo and R. Helmig and H. Class Investigating the influence of the initial biomass distribution and injection strategies on biofilm- mediated calcite precipitation in porous media, Transport in Porous Media (2015), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,Biofilms,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow
J. Hommel and E. Lauchnor and A. Phillips and R. Gerlach and A.B. Cunningham and R. Helmig and A. Ebigbo and H. Class A revised model for microbially induced calcite precipitation: Improvements and new insights based on recent experiments, Water Resources Research, 51/5, pp. 3695-3715 (2015), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,Biofilms,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,CCS – CCUS
M. Li and S. Fan and Y. Su and J. Ezekiel and M. Lu and L. Zhang Mathematical models of the heat-water dissociation of natural gas hydrates considering a moving Stefan boundary, Energy, 90/1, pp. 202-207 (2015), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Hydrocarbons,Reactive Flow,Reservoir Characterisation
D. Li and B. Ren and L. Zhang and J. Ezekiel and S. Ren and Y. Feng CO2-sensitive foams for mobility control and channeling blocking in enhanced WAG process, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 102, pp. 234-243 (2015), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments,CO2,CO2 Geothermal Energy
L. Zhang and D. Li and J. Ezekiel CO2 Geological Storage into a Lateral Aquifer of an Offshore Gas Field in the South China Sea: Storage Safety and Project Design, Frontiers of Earth Science (2015), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Porous – Fractured Media,CCS – CCUS
S. Matculevich and S. Repin Computable estimates of the distance to the exact solution of the evolutionary reaction-diffusion equation, Appl. Math. Comput., 247, pp. 329-347 (2014), doi keywords: Computer Science,Numerical Methods
Y. Ma and A. Scheuermann and D. Bringemeier and X.-Z. Kong and L. Li Size distribution measurement for densely binding bubbles via image analysis, Experiments in Fluids, 55/1860 (2014), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Multiphase – Multicomponent
B.M. Tutolo and A.J. Luhmann and X.-Z. Kong and M.O. Saar and W.E. Seyfried Jr. Experimental observation of permeability changes in dolomite at CO2 sequestration conditions, Environmental Science and Technology, 48/4, pp. 2445-2452 (2014), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy
A.J. Luhmann and X.-Z. Kong and B.M. Tutolo and N. Garapati and B.C. Bagley and M.O. Saar and W.E. Seyfried Jr. Experimental dissolution of dolomite by CO2-charged brine at 100oC and 150 bar: Evolution of porosity, permeability, and reactive surface area, Chemical Geology, 380, pp. 145-160 (2014), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy
B.M. Adams and T.H. Kuehn and J.M. Bielicki and J.B. Randolph and M.O. Saar On the importance of the thermosiphon effect in CPG (CO2-Plume geothermal) power systems, Energy, 69, pp. 409-418 (2014), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
B.M. Tutolo and X.-Z. Kong and W.E. Seyfried Jr. and M.O. Saar Internal consistency in aqueous geochemical data revisited: Applications to the aluminum system, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 133, pp. 216-234 (2014), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
N. Garapati and J.B. Randolph and J.L. Valencia Jr. and M.O. Saar CO2-Plume Geothermal (CPG) Heat Extraction in Multi-layered Geologic Reservoirs, Energy Procedia, 63, pp. 7631-7643 (2014), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Economics – Policy,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
T.A. Buscheck and J.M. Bielicki and M. Chen and Y. Sun and Y. Hao and T.A. Edmunds and M.O. Saar and J.B. Randolph Integrating CO2 Storage with Geothermal Resources for Dispatchable Renewable Electricity, Energy procedia, 63, pp. 7619-7630 (2014), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Economics – Policy,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
N. Garapati and B.J. Anderson Statistical Thermodynamics Model and Empirical Correlations for Predicting Mixed Hydrate Phase Equilibria, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 373, pp. 20-28 (2014), doi keywords:
A.M.M. Leal and M.J. Blunt and T.C. LaForce Efficient chemical equilibrium calculations for geochemical speciation and reactive,transport modelling, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 131, pp. 301-322 (2014), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Reactive Flow
L. Zhang and J. Ezekiel and D. Li and J. Pei Potential Assessment of CO2 Injection for Heat Mining and Geological Storage in Geothermal Reservoirs of China, Applied Energy, 122, pp. 237-246 (2014), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,CO2,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,CO2 Geothermal Energy
J. Ren and L. Zhang and J. Ezekiel and S. Ren and S. Meng Reservoir Characteristics and Productivity Analysis of Tight Sand Gas in Upper Paleozoic Ordos Basin China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 19, pp. 244-250 (2014), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Field Investigations,Hydrocarbons,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation
N. Deichmann and T. Kraft and K.F. Evans Identification of faults activated during the stimulation of the Basel geothermal project from cluster analysis and focal mechanisms of the larger magnitude events, Geothermics, 52, pp. 84-97 (2014), doi keywords:
P. Schaedle and N. Hubschwerlen and H. Class Optimizing the modeling performance for safety assessments of nuclear waste repositories by approximating two-phase flow and transport by single-phase transport simulations, Nuclear Technology/187(2), pp. 188-197 (2014), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Heat Transfer
J.B. Randolph and M.O. Saar and J.M. Bielicki Geothermal energy production at geologic CO2 sequestration sites: Impact of thermal drawdown on reservoir pressure, Energy Procedia, 37, pp. 6625-6635 (2013), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
R. Gottardi and P.-H. Kao and M.O. Saar and Ch. Teyssier Effects of permeability fields on fluid, heat, and oxygen isotope transport in extensional detachment systems, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14/5, pp. 1493-1522 (2013), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation
S.D.C. Walsh and M.O. Saar Developing extensible lattice-Boltzmann simulators for general-purpose graphics-processing units, Communications in Computational Physics, 13/3, pp. 867-879 (2013), doi keywords: Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
X.-Z. Kong and M.O. Saar DBCreate: A SUPCRT92-based program for producing EQ3/6, TOUGHREACT, and GWB thermodynamic databases at user-defined T and P, Computers and Geosciences, 51, pp. 415-417 (2013), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
X.-Z. Kong and M.O. Saar Numerical study of the effects of permeability heterogeneity on density-driven convective mixing during CO2 dissolution storage, Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control, 19, pp. 160-173 (2013), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
A.J. Luhmann and X.-Z. Kong and B.M. Tutolo and K. Ding and M.O. Saar and W.E. Seyfried Jr. Permeability reduction produced by grain reorganization and accumulation of exsolved CO2 during geologic carbon sequestration: A new CO2 trapping mechanism, Environmental Science and Technlogy, 47/1, pp. 242-251 (2013), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Rock Mechanics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,PIV LIF XRCT XRD SEM USANS,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
A.M.M. Leal and M.J. Blunt and T.C. LaForce A robust and efficient numerical method for multiphase equilibrium calculations: Application to CO2-brine-rock systems at high temperatures, pressures and salinities, Advances in Water Resources, 62(Part C), pp. 409-430 (2013), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Reactive Flow
J. Ma and D. Petrilli and J.C. Manceau Core scale modelling of CO2 flowing: identifying key parameters and experiment fitting, Energy Procedia, 37, pp. 5464-5472 (2013), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,CCS – CCUS
A. Ebigbo and F. Golfier and M. Quintard A coupled, pore-scale model for methanogenic microbial activity in underground hydrogen storage, Advances in Water Resources, 61, pp. 74-85 (2013), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,Biofilms
T. Lange and M. Sauter and M. Heitfeld and K. Schetelig and K. Brosig and W. Jahnke and A. Kissinger and R. Helmig and A. Ebigbo and H. Class Hydraulic fracturing in unconventional gas reservoirs: risks in the geological system, part 1, Environmental Earth Sciences, 70/8, pp. 3839-3853 (2013), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Rock Deformation
A. Kissinger and R. Helmig and A. Ebigbo and H. Class and T. Lange and M. Sauter and M. Heitfeld and J. Klünker and W. Jahnke Hydraulic fracturing in unconventional gas reservoirs: risks in the geological system, part 2, Environmental Earth Sciences, 70/8, pp. 3855-3873 (2013), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media
A.B. Cunningham and E. Lauchnor and J. Eldring and E. Esposito and A.C. Mitchell and R. Gerlach and A.J. Phillips and A. Ebigbo and L.H. Spangler Abandoned well CO2 leakage mitigation using biologically induced mineralization: current progress and future directions, Greenhouse Gases: Science & Technology, 3, pp. 40-49 (2013), doi keywords:
R. Helmig and B. Flemisch and M. Wolff and A. Ebigbo and H. Class Model coupling for multiphase flow in porous media, Advances in Water Resources, 51/7, pp. 52-66 (2013), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer
F. Samrock and A. Kuvshinov Tippers at island observatories: Can we use them to probe electrical conductivity of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle?, Geophysical Research Letters – AGU Journal, 40/5, pp. 824-828 (2013), doi keywords:
M. Covington and A.F. Banwell and J. Gulley and M.O. Saar Quantifying the effects of glacier conduit geometry and recharge on proglacial hydrograph form, Journal of Hydrology, 414-415, pp. 59-71 (2012), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Multiphase – Multicomponent
M.D. Covington and A.J. Luhmann and C. Wicks and M.O. Saar Process length scales and longitudinal damping in karst conduits, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 117, F01025 (2012), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation
S.C. Alexander and M.O. Saar Improved characterization of small u for Jacob pumping test analysis methods, Ground Water, 50/2, pp. 256-265 (2012), doi keywords: Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation
J. Ma and R.N. Xu and S. Luo Core-scale Experimental Study on Supercritical-Pressure CO2 Migration Mechanism during CO2 Geological Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 33, pp. 1971-1975 (2012), no_doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,CCS – CCUS
A. Ebigbo and A. Phillips and R. Gerlach and R. Helmig and A.B. Cunningham and H. Class Darcy-scale modeling of microbially induced carbonate mineral precipitation in sand columns, Water Resources Research, 48/7, W07519 (2012), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Biofilms,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,CCS – CCUS
K.F. Evans and A. Zappone and T. Kraft and N. Deichmann and F. Moia A survey of the induced seismic responses to fluid injection in geothermal and CO2 reservoirs in Europe, Geothermics, 41, pp. 30-54 (2012), doi keywords:
X.-Z. Kong and M. Holzner and F. Stauffer and W. Kinzelbach Time-resolved 3D visualization of air injection in a liquidsaturated refractive-index-matched porous medium, Exp. Fluids, 50, pp. 1659-1670 (2011), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,PIV LIF XRCT XRD SEM USANS,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media
M.D. Covington and A.J. Luhmann and F. Gabrovsek and M.O. Saar and I. Willis and C.M. Wicks Mechanisms of heat exchange between water and rock in karst conduits, Water Resources Research, 47, W10514/10 (2011), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation
J.B. Randolph and M.O. Saar Impact of reservoir permeability on the choice of subsurface geothermal heat exchange fluid: CO2 versus water and native brine, Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Transactions, 35, pp. 521-526 (2011), no_doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Economics – Policy,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
J.B. Randolph and M.O. Saar Combining geothermal energy capture with geologic carbon dioxide sequestration, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L10401 (2011), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Economics – Policy,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
M.A. Davis and S.D.C. Walsh and M.O. Saar Statistically reconstructing continuous isotropic and anisotropic two-phase media while preserving macroscopic material properties, Physical Review E, 83, 026706 (2011), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Computer Science,Volcanology,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
J.B. Randolph and M.O. Saar Coupling carbon dioxide sequestration with geothermal energy capture in naturally permeable, porous geologic formations: Implications for CO2 sequestration, Energy Procedia, 4, pp. 2206-2213 (2011), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Economics – Policy,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
M.O. Saar Review: Geothermal heat as a tracer of large-scale groundwater flow and as a means to determine permeability fields, special theme issue on Environmental Tracers and Groundwater Flow, editor-invited peer-reviewed contribution, Hydrogeology Journal, 19, pp. 31-52 (2011), doi keywords:
X.-Z. Kong and W. Kinzelbach and F. Stauffer Compaction and size segregation in a liquid-saturated grain packing due to pulsation effect during air injection, Chem.Eng.Sci., 65, pp. 2680-2688 (2010), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media
X.-Z. Kong and W. Kinzelbach and F. Stauffer Morphodynamics during air injection into water-saturated movable spherical granulates, Chem.Eng.Sci., 65, pp. 4652-4660 (2010), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media
J. Myre and S.D.C. Walsh and D.J. Lilja and M.O. Saar Performance analysis of single-phase multiphase, and multicomponent lattice-Boltzmann fluid flow simulations on GPU clusters, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 23, pp. 332-350 (2010), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid,Software Development
S. Dasgupta and M.O. Saar and R.L. Edwards and C.-C. Shen and H. Cheng and C.E. Alexander Jr. Three thousand years of extreme rainfall events recorded in stalagmites from Spring Valley Caverns, Minnesota, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 300, pp. 46-54 (2010), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation
S.D.C. Walsh and M.O. Saar Interpolated lattice-Boltzmann boundary conditions for surface reaction kinetics, Physical Review E, 82, 066703 (2010), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
J.B. Randolph and M.O. Saar Coupling geothermal energy capture with carbon dioxide sequestration in naturally permeable, porous geologic formations: A comparison with enhanced geothermal systems, Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Transactions, 34, pp. 433-438 (2010), no_doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Economics – Policy,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
S.D.C. Walsh and M.O. Saar Macroscale lattice-Boltzmann methods for low-Peclet-number solute and heat transport in heterogeneous porous media, Water Resources Research, 46, W07517 (2010), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
I. Skjaelaaen and A. Ebigbo and M. Espedal and R. Helmig A model for transport of hydrogen sulfide in oil- and water-saturated porous media, Computing and Visualization in Science, 13/6, pp. 265-273 (2010), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media
A. Ebigbo and R. Helmig and A.B. Cunningham and H. Class and R. Gerlach Modelling biofilm growth in the presence of carbon dioxide and water flow in the subsurface, Advances in Water Resources, 33/7, pp. 762-781 (2010), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods,CO2,Biofilms,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,CCS – CCUS
T.L. van Noorden and I.S. Pop and A. Ebigbo and R. Helmig An upscaled model for biofilm growth in a thin strip, Water Resources Research, 46/6, W06505 (2010), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Biofilms,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow
A. Genter and K.F. Evans and N. Cuenot and D. Fritsch and B. Sanjuan The Soultz geothermal adventure: 20 years of research and exploration of deep crystalline fractured rocks for EGS development, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342, pp. 502-516 (2010), doi keywords:
X.-Z. Kong and W. Kinzelbach and F. Stauffer Migration of air channels: an instability of air flow in mobile saturated porous media, Chem.Eng.Sci., 64, pp. 1528-1535 (2009), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Rock Deformation
F. Stauffer and X.-Z. Kong and W. Kinzelbach A stochastic model for air injection into saturated porous media, Water Resour, 32, pp. 1180-1186 (2009), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media
M. Covington and C.M. Wicks and M.O. Saar A dimensionless number describing the effects of recharge and geometry on discharge from simple karst aquifers, Water Resources Research, 45, W11410 (2009), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation
S.D.C. Walsh and M.O. Saar and P. Bailey and D.J. Lilja Accelerating geoscience and engineering system simulations on graphics hardware, Computers and Geosciences, 35/12, pp. 2353-2364 (2009), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Rock Mechanics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
S.D.C. Walsh and H. Burwinkle and M.O. Saar A new partial-bounceback lattice-Boltzmann method for fluid flow through heterogeneous media, Computers and Geosciences, 35/6, pp. 1186-1193 (2009), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid
H. Class and A. Ebigbo and R Helmig and H.K. Dahle and J.M. Nordbotten and M.A. Celia and P. Audigane and M. Darcis and J. Ennis-King and Y. Fan A benchmark study on problems related to CO2 storage in geologic formations , Computational Geosciences, 13/4, Sp. Iss. SI, pp. 409-434 (2009), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Computer Science,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,CCS – CCUS
A. Kopp and A. Ebigbo and A. Bielinski and H. Class and R. Helmig Numerical simulation of temperature changes caused by CO2 injection in geological reservoirs, AAPG Studies in Geology, 59/26, pp. 439-456 (2009), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,CCS – CCUS
S.D.C. Walsh and M.O. Saar Magma yield stress and permeability: Insights from multiphase percolation theory, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 177, pp. 1011-1019 (2008), no_doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Rock Mechanics,Computer Science,Volcanology,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Software Development
S.D.C. Walsh and M.O. Saar Numerical Models of Stiffness and Yield Stress Growth in Crystal-Melt Suspensions, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 267/1-2, pp. 32-44 (2008), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Rock Mechanics,Computer Science,Volcanology,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Software Development
W.-J. Wang and X.-Z. Kong and Z.-G. Zhu Friction and relative energy dissipation in sheared granular materials, Phys.Rev. E, 75/041302 (2007), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Porous – Fractured Media
A. Ebigbo and H. Class and R. Helmig CO2 leakage through an abandoned well: problem- oriented benchmarks, Computational Geosciences, 11/2, pp. 103-115 (2007), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,CO2,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,CCS – CCUS
X.-Z. Kong and M.-B. Hu and Q.-S. Wu and Y.-H. Wu Kinetic energy sandpile model for conical sandpile development by evolving rivers, Phys. Lett A, 348, pp. 77-81 (2006), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Numerical Methods
X.-Z. Kong and M.-B. Hu and Q.-S. Wu and Y.-H. Wu Effects of bottleneck on granular convection cells and segregation, Granular Matter, 8, pp. 119-124 (2006), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments
X.-Z. Kong and M.-B. Hu and Q.-S. Wu and Y.-H. Wu Effects of vibration frequency on intruders’ position in granular bed, Phys. Lett A, 356, pp. 267-271 (2006), doi keywords: Rock Mechanics,Numerical Methods
R.A. Edwards and B. Rodriguez-Brito and L. Wegley and M. Haynes and M. Breitbart and D.M. Petersen and M.O. Saar and S.C. Alexander and E.C. Alexander Jr. and F. Rohwer Using pyrosequencing to shed light on deep mine microbial ecology, BMC Genomics (2006), doi keywords: Geochemistry,Hydrogeology,Laboratory Experiments,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Biofilms,Porous – Fractured Media,Reservoir Characterisation
H. Class and A. Bielinski and R. Helmig and A. Kopp and A. Ebigbo Numerical simulation of CO2 storage in geological formations, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 78/4, pp. 445-452 (2006), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Thermodynamics,Numerical Methods,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,CCS – CCUS
M.-B. Hu and Q.-S. Wu and X.-Z. Kong and Y.-H. Wu Discharge oscillation of particles from a vertical Pipe with capillary outlet, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50, pp. 1076-1078 (2005), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments
X.-Z. Kong and M.-B. Hu and Q.-S. Wu and Y.-H. Wu Ring-like size segregation in vibrated cylinder with a bottleneck, Phys. Lett A, 341, pp. 278-284 (2005), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments
M.-B. Hu and X.-Z. Kong and Q.-S. Wu and Y.-H. Wu Granular segregation in a multi-bottleneck container: Mobility effect, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 19, pp. 1793-1800 (2005), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods
M.-B. Hu and X.-Z. Kong and Q.-S. Wu and Y.-H. Wu Effects of container geometry on granular segregation pattern, Chinese Physics, 14, pp. 1793-1800 (2005), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Laboratory Experiments
L.B. Christiansen and S. Hurwitz and M.O. Saar and S.E. Ingebritsen and P.A. Hsieh Seasonal seismicity at western United States volcanic centers, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240, pp. 307-321 (2005), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation
M.O. Saar and M.C. Castro and C.M. Hall and M. Manga and T.P. Rose Quantifying magmatic, crustal, and atmospheric helium contributions to volcanic aquifers using all stable noble gases: Implications for magmatism and groundwater flow, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 6/3 (2005), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Volcanology,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Tracer – Hydraulic Tests,Upscaling,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CO2 Geothermal Energy
M.-B. Hu and X.-Z. Kong and Q.-S. Wu and Z.-G. Zhu Experimental study of energy absorption properties of granular materials under low frequency vibrations, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B., 18, pp. 2708-2712 (2004), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Thermodynamics,Laboratory Experiments
M.O. Saar and M. Manga Depth dependence of permeability in the Oregon Cascades inferred from hydrogeologic, thermal, seismic, and magmatic modeling constraints, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109/B4, B04204 (2004), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Thermodynamics,Rock Mechanics,Volcanology,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Tracer – Hydraulic Tests,Upscaling,Groundwater,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
M.A. Jellinek and M. Manga and M.O. Saar Did melting glaciers cause volcanic eruptions in eastern California? Probing the mechanics of dike formation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109/B9, B09206 (2004), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Volcanology,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Upscaling,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer
M.O. Saar and M. Manga Seismicity induced by seasonal groundwater recharge at Mt. Hood, Oregon, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214, pp. 605-618 (2003), no_doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Volcanology,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Upscaling,Groundwater,Porous – Fractured Media,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation
M.O. Saar and M. Manga Continuum percolation for randomly oriented soft-core prisms, Physical Review E, 65/056131 (2002), doi keywords: Geophysics,Geochemistry,Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Rock Mechanics,Computer Science,Volcanology,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Groundwater,Hydrocarbons,CO2,Biofilms,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage,Power Plant – Electricity Grid,Software Development
M.O. Saar and M. Manga and K.V. Cashman and S. Fremouw Numerical models of the onset of yield strength in crystal-melt suspensions, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 187, pp. 367-379 (2001), doi keywords: Geophysics,Fluid Dynamics,Thermodynamics,Rock Mechanics,Computer Science,Volcanology,Numerical Methods,Upscaling,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Software Development
M.O. Saar and M. Manga Permeability-porosity relationship in vesicular basalts., Geophysical Research Letters, 26/1, pp. 111-114 (1999), doi keywords: Fluid Dynamics,Hydrogeology,Volcanology,Laboratory Experiments,Numerical Methods,Field Investigations,Groundwater,CO2,Multiphase – Multicomponent,Porous – Fractured Media,Reactive Flow,Heat Transfer,Rock Deformation,Reservoir Characterisation,Geothermal Energy,CCS – CCUS,CO2 Geothermal Energy,Energy Storage
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