Shihuai Zhang Research Interests

Dr. Shihuai Zhang

Post-Doctoral Associate


Mailing Address
Dr. Shihuai Zhang
Geothermal Energy & Geofluids
Institute of Geophysics
NO F 51.1
Sonneggstrasse 5
CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland

Phone +41 44 632 2558
Email zhangshi(at)

Dominique Ballarin Dolfin
Phone +41 44 632 3465
Email ballarin(at)

Research Interests

My research focuses on rock mechanics and geomechanics. Laboratory experiments on low-porosity sandstones were performed previously under different stress paths to investigate the acoustic emission, deformability, and strength characteristics associated with brittle failure. Based on the laboratory work, I am working on the fracture behaviour and its effect on the crustal stress evolution and stress variations within fault zones, aiming at furthering the understanding of the state of in situ stress and providing implications for seismicity associated with geo-resource development.