mbrehme(at)ethz.ch |
Prisca Maurantonio | |
+41 44 632 3465 | |
prisca.maurantonio@eaps.ethz.ch |
Research Interests
Hydrogeologist aiming to understand subsurface fluid flow using multidisciplinary approaches for sustainable geothermal exploration and exploitation strategies with a strong focus on fieldwork and real-scale data.
The main research objective is finding new well locations during geothermal exploration and field development and on optimizing sustainable geothermal energy extraction and conversion.
Areas of expertise are geothermal reservoir characterization, hydraulic, thermal and chemical data interpretation, enhancing reservoir performance and its sustainable use. Methods and findings are mainly related to geothermal systems but applicable in any geofluids environment (geothermal, CO2, H2, heat, drinking water).
My research team is supported by Energi Simulation
To learn more, please visit: https://energisimulation.com/2022/05/18/funding-expo-an-energi-simulation-journey-with-eth-zurich/
or: https://ethz-foundation.ch/en/spotlight/news-2022-energi-simulation/
Interested in more? Watch the videos, where I explain more about my field of research:
What is geothermal: https://www.dw.com/en/geothermal-power-climate-smart-seldom-used/av-56271256