mbrehme(at)ethz.ch |
Prisca Maurantonio | |
+41 44 632 3465 | |
prisca.maurantonio@eaps.ethz.ch |
Research Projects
I am involved in several collaborations in geothermal energy and geofluids research that cover two main research questions: ‚Where to drill the next well?‘ and ‚How to operate sustainably?’
PI of the EASYGO ITN project (11/2020-10/2024)
The EASYGO Innovative Training Network is the first standardized doctoral education program on geothermal energy in Europe. It funds 13 PhD positions at 4 universities in 4 countries. 10 industry partners joined the project and will host the students for an industry secondment. All PhD students will receive a joint degree from two universities. (This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956965)
For more information: https://easygo-itn.eu
PI of the MiMo project (03/2020-03/2022)
MiMo (Misi Monitoring) – is a collaborative mission (misi in Bahasa) to foster scientific collaboration in the field of geothermal energy between Indonesia and the Netherlands. It funds mutual visits of partners in Indonesia and the Netherlands.
PI of the LoLa project (04/2018-ongoing)
LoLa is a research project on the long-term sustainable use of the high-enthalpy geothermal field Lahendong in Indonesia. Different topics are investigated to ensure a multidisciplinary approach: 1) Fluid origin and flow structures in the central geothermal field 2) Hidden geothermal and volcano-tectonic structures beneath volcanic lakes 3) Evolution of thermal-hydraulic-chemical properties of the field during operation.
Co-PI of the DESTRESS project (03/2016-05/2021)
The primarily objective of DESTRESS is to develop a comprehensive compilation of good practices for successful geothermal projects through demonstration and research. Soft stimulation concepts were developed to enhance the productivity and injectivity at different geothermal sites. Onsite operations at the heating plant in Mezőberény-Hungary used thermal and chemical stimulation techniques to increase the injectivity in a formerly clogged well.
For more information: http://www.destress-h2020.eu